Clippings save grass and cash

You might have noticed that grass clippings left on parks and open spaces we look after are not being collected. What you might not know is that there are good environmental reasons for this. 

Benefits of Not Collecting Clippings 

  1. Recycling clippings back into the lawn improves lawn quality. Clippings return nutrients to the soil as they decompose. 
  2. Clippings do not cause thatch. Thatch is a layer of living and non-living plant material that forms between the grass plant and the soil as the turf grows. Thatch, contrary to common belief, is good for a lawn and is normal. A healthy thatch layer is generally considered beneficial up to ½” in thickness or less. 
  3. Recycling clippings is a responsible environmental practice. Currently, landscape wastes, including clippings, account for almost 20% of all kerbside waste. 
  4. Clippings do not spread lawn diseases. Disease spores are present whether clippings are collected or returned. 
  5. Recycling clippings in this way saves time and extra work. 

Homes in Sedgemoor teams carry out grounds maintenance work all year round. This is the seasonal schedule: 

Spring scheduleSummer scheduleAutumn scheduleWinter schedule
Spring Time:  Grass cutting starts Shrub maintenance Weeding of shrub areas  Weeding of hard areas Summer Time: Grass cutting  Hedge cutting (august/Sep) Shrub maintenance  Weeding of Shrub areas Weeding of hard areas Autumn Time: Last of the grass cutting Hedge cutting Last of the shrub maintenance  Weeding of shrub areas Weeding of hard surfaces Winter Time: Pruning Edging (ad hoc areas) Tree works – monthly schedule over the winter to inspect trees in communal areas.