Institute of Customer Service

Within our Corporate Strategy, the main objective is to provide great services for our customers. This also links in with our Customers First Strategy and our back-to-basics approach.

As an organisation striving to be the Best Managing Agent by 2023, our customer service is key, and therefore becoming a member of the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) seemed to be the next logical step.

The ICS is an independent not-for-profit organisation, with the key aim to improve the performance of organisations through enhanced customer service.

By becoming a member this year, we now have access to the UK Customer Satisfaction Index which allows us to benchmark and compare our performance against 13 industry sectors.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve the ServiceMark accreditation which will validate our Customers First commitment and the culture of Homes in Sedgemoor.

To achieve this, all customers and colleagues will be surveyed, and the responses will then be assessed by an Independent Adjudicator, via the ICS.

Customers are likely to be contacted around March 2022.

If we meet the required scores, then we will be awarded the ServiceMark accreditation.

This will be an incredible achievement, as it is a national standard so will really demonstrate that we are an organisation dedicated to providing the best service to our customers across all service areas.