Apex Day Park Playday success

A successful day was had by all at the Apex Playday, where members of Homes in Sedgemoor attended.
Sharon Collard, Homes in Sedgemoor Community Enabler, said: “I’d just like to say thank you to Sharon, Kaylun, Steve Keirle and Chrissy Clapham for their efforts at the Apex playday. And also to Darren from MD for transporting the trailer. It was a very hot and busy day with thousands of people enjoying the activities. Craig, HiS STAC member, joined us for the day and was a huge help, setting up talking to visitors and handing out goodie bags. This year Ian and Mandy from the Fire Service joined us and gave advice about fire safety and even booked in some home safety visits and we also had Amanda, a willow artist, who was teaching the children to make things from willow. Another successful year!”